Guardian Knights South Africa Motorcycle Club



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Guardian Knights South Africa Motorcycle Club

Mission Statent:
The mission of the Guardian Knights Motorcycle Club, inc.
is to foster a spirit of
camaraderie among members of the law enforcement
community through
a common
interest in motorcycling, provide a safe environment
to fellowship with our
brothers and
sisters in blue, promote safety and education and a
positive image of our profession and
the motorcycling community, and sponsor and
support social,
educational and charitable
programs in our communities.
Respect All – Fear None
Article I - Name
Gthis organization shall be known as the Guardian Knights Motorcycle Club
Article II – Organization
Guardian knights Motorcycle Club
was founded by
Lourens Streicher Van Niekerk 2004-07-01
The Central Guardian Knights chapter incorporated
as a non-profit under the Guardian Knights
Motorcycle Club
 December 5, 2017.
A charter chapter is one that has been approved by
the Central Guardian Knights Chapter and
inducted in into the Guardian Knights Motorcycle Club
These Bylaws shall be the fundamental law of the Guardian Knights Motorcycle


Article III – Membership
Section 1.
- Full Members
: Full voting members meeting all requirements as set forth
Full membership in the Guardian Knights
 is open to; To Those who are vouched for by the Central Guardian
Knights Chapter, to  Active or retired Law
Enforcement, Corrections Officers, Federal Intelligence Field Members and Executive
Protection Specialists, Security Professionals, Law Enforcement Support
Professionals, full time active or retired military or law enforcement related full-time
positions with approval of the executive board.
Associate Members
of at least 18 years of age who demonstrate the ideals and
values of the Guardian Knights
Endorsement of two full members in good standing
Percentage of civilians to  members ratio never exceeds 25%.
All members (with the exception of members spouse/significant other) must own
a motorcycle (not limited to any specific motorcycle brand). Bikes should be of
sufficient size to maintain highway speeds  for prolonged periods of
time. All members shall be properly licensed and insured and their bikes shall be
registered and inspected as required by law.
Full members will wear a chapter designation
patch indicating the chapter to which they
belong below the colors.
All members at the time of the adoption of these bylaws are grandfathered as “Full
Section 2
- Associate Members:
Individuals who do not meet all the requirements of full
Membership but share the ideals and values of the organization may apply for
Associate members may not hold office
or participate in ballot votes such as election
of officers, bylaws amendment, or other policy changes
They may participate
voice votes from the floor and
in club activities and events.
Associate members will wear a patch designating them as “Associate Members”
below the colors in place of a chapter designation.
Associate members may become full members at such time as they meet the
requirements of full membership. Associate members will be taken into full
membership in the order they meet the requirements
as determined by the
Executive Board
 Upon approval of the Executive Board,
an appropriate chapter
designation patch will be issued to the member to replace
the Associate member
patch and the “associate” patch will be returned to the chapter.
Non members
who attain full member status will be subject to annual review .
Upon review,
he/she may be moved back
to “Associate” status if it is determined that the member is not
demonstrating the
dedication necessary to maintain full member status.
Associate Members are not included in the ratio calculations
for full membership.
Section 3
– Prospective Members
An individual who desires membership in the Guardian Knights
shall have a
member in good standing as a sponsor. The sponsor has to
have a personal
knowledge of the prospect candidate. The Sponsoring member shall
introduce the
prospect to his/her chapter. Chapter members should take this
opportunity to
question the candidate regarding his/her qualifications and reasons
for wanting to
join .
An individual who desires membership but does not
have a sponsor and is not known
by the members must become familiar with the
membership by attending club
events and activities and should make his/her
intentions known to the Executive
Board and the chapter members. When and if the
Board feels that the candidate is
ready to become a prospect, they will assign the
Sergeant at Arms as the sponsor.
The candidate will be invited to a general meeting
and be introduced to the
membership as a candidate for prospect.
Chapter members should take this
opportunity to question the candidate regarding his/her
qualifications and reasons for
wanting to join
Upon acceptance as a prospect, a completed
prospective membership application
with all information will be submitted
, along with all applicable fees

Thanks to

Good day. To be honest, i am surprised with the speed of the operation, the service is outstanding.


Thank you to the very helpfull staff of Fullthrottlefullmag

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Thanks to all the members of the Guardian Knights South-Africa

For all your input and stunning personalities


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